jen spencer coaches

08 30 11, 2:20 pm
Filed under: Growth + Development, Thought-Provoking

Lots of people have been talking to me about vision lately.

“I feel stuck and don’t know where I’m going.”
“I don’t have a vision.”
“How do I get one?”

And, I find that many people get tripped up by the word itself! Vision is defined as “the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be.”

As the CEO of our own personal brands, we need to create a vision for ourselves. Seeing it is step one, then we have to empower, guide, and inspire ourselves to get there.

In my experience, visions are developed over time. Just as we aren’t stagnant beings, our vision can evolve and change as we take in new information, develop new insights, and through trial and error, find ways to make that vision come to life.

Everyone has a vision inside of them. You just may not know how to access it.

For those that don’t have a clear picture of what your vision is, here are a few ways to approach it…

Sit back, think about a year from now.
What’s missing now in your work/life?
What do you want to be different?
What would be exciting to you? (Don’t censor yourself in this process.)

Now, think about goals you’d like to achieve in your lifetime. Relationships, work, family, passions, money, play, impact. Get them all down, and take a good long look. What does that image look like?

This, my friend, makes up your vision.

So get started today. Dive in and start dreaming and taking notes. For visual thinkers (which is most of the planet), try drawing images that represent the future you see for yourself.

When you see an image online or in a magazine, save it. Add it to a reference file. (Evernote is pretty awesome).

Let your vision evolve. It deserves to be seen.

Your WingWoman,

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